Read It
Hebrews 7: 26
26 Such a high priest meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens.
Discuss It
In the Old Testament, what did a priest do? Who is our high priest? What is our need? How is Jesus holy? How is Jesus blameless? How is Jesus pure?
How is Jesus set apart from sinners?
How is Jesus exalted above the heavens?
Activity Time
In the center of a piece of heavy paper, make the shape of a cross with two pieces of masking tape, washi tape, or painter's tape. Then, have your child paint all over the piece of paper with watercolor or color all over the paper with marker. After the entire paper has been filled with color, remove the tape to reveal the cross underneath. In the cross, write down words that describe Jesus from this verse. Continue writing words together that describe Jesus. Hang this in a place where your family will see it for the next few days. As we remember Jesus' death and resurrection this week, use these words to talk about His sacrifice.
Worship Tunes
Focusing on the words, sing together about how Jesus paid it all to cleanse us of our sin. We are all guilty of breaking God's law, but Jesus died for our sins.
Praying through the Catechism
Pray together thanking Jesus for being our High Priest.
Question #71
Q: How is Christ your priest?
A: Christ died for my sins and continues to pray for me.
Question #74
Q: Why do you need Christ as your priest?
A: Because I am guilty of breaking God's law.