What did we learn?
This week we learned about the covenant that God made with Abraham. We talked about the stars in they sky and how God promised that Abraham would have as many descendants as the stars in the sky. God kept His promise, and Isaac was born. We also learned that one of those descendants was Jesus! We searched through our black, blue, and purple pom-poms to find the stars and tried to count them. There were too many! We shouted, "Nothing is too hard for the Lord!" To end our time, we celebrated together that God knows all things and that He can do all His holy will.
Praying through the Catechism
Pray together thanking God that He knows all things and He can do all His holy will.
Question #12
Q: Does God know all things?
A: Yes, nothing can be hidden from God.
Question #13
Q: Can God do all things?
A: Yes, God can do all His holy will.
Bible Story
Isaac is Born | Gen. 12:1-8; 15:1-4; 17:15-19; 18:1-15; 21:1-7
What was the covenant that God made with Abraham?
Why did Abraham think that he couldn't have a son?
What did Abraham do when God told him he would have a son?
How many visitors came to see Abraham and Sarah?
What did Sarah do when she heard that she was going to have a baby?
Did God do what He promised?
Worship Tunes
Play Time
Sand on the Seashore
Later in Genesis 22, God says that Abraham's descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Find a small flat bin and dump some sand into it or go out your sandbox if you have one. Invite your child to play with the sand as you talk to them about the covenant that God made with Abraham. Work together to try to count the grains of sand. There are too many to count! God kept His promise to Abraham, and one of Abraham's descendants was Jesus!