What did we learn?
This week we celebrated Resurrection Sunday together. We learned that Jesus is the one who died and rose again to save His people from their sin.
In the Walking Ones to Four Class, we opened up eggs to find different objects that represented the path that Jesus took to the cross and eggs with objects that helped us celebrate that Jesus is alive. We made art to celebrate that Jesus didn't stay dead in the tomb, but that He has defeated sin and the grave. As we played our game, we stopped to shout together, "1, 2, 3, Jesus is Alive!"
In the Sermon Boxes, children were invited to read through the story of Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection in a story Bible. They were also given materials to create art that celebrated that Jesus is alive.
Praying through the Catechism
Pray together thanking Jesus for being the One who obeyed the whole law and suffered for the sins of His people.
Question #48
Q: How did Christ fulfill the covenant of grace?
A: Christ obeyed the whole law for his people, and then suffered the punishment due for their sins.
Bible Story
Resurrection Sunday | Matthew 26:57-58, 27:11-28:10; John 18:12-20:20
What did Jesus let people do to Him?
Where did Jesus' friends put his body after he died?
What did soldiers put over the door of the tomb?
Three days later, what happened?
How did Jesus' followers know that He was alive?
Why did Jesus die on the cross?
Why is it such good news that He is alive?
Worship Tunes
Bible Verse Art
Resurrection and the Life
After listening to this week's song, print out this page by right clicking on it and downloading it. Or you can simply write out this verse on a piece of paper. Have your child color it. Then, hang it up in a place where your family will see it when eating a meal. Each day, at mealtime, practice singing the song to remember this verse. Then talk each day about what it means that Jesus is the resurrection and the life.